
Stuck with your Factor Meals subscription and desperately want out? Well, you’re in luck because I’m here to show you the easy-peasy steps how to cancel Factor Meals. Just follow my lead, and you’ll be free from those pre-packaged meals in no time. Oh, and if you’re looking for some better alternatives, I’ve got those too. Trust me, you won’t want to miss out on this!

How to Cancel Factor Meals

Factors to consider before canceling

Canceling your Factor Meals subscription may seem like a daunting task, but fear not! We’re here to guide you through the process and give you some handy tips along the way. Before you take the plunge and bid farewell to those delicious meals, there are a few things you need to consider.

First and foremost, let’s talk about the easy cancellation process. Factor offers a touch-of-a-button cancellation option, but there’s a catch. This option is only available in certain locations where it’s legally required. If you’re not residing in one of these lucky places, you’ll have to resort to the old-fashioned method of calling or emailing to cancel. Yes, you heard that right – talking to another human being!

Now, let’s address the cut-off date and time. If you don’t want to pay for another week of meals, make sure you cancel before 11:59 pm CT every Wednesday. Otherwise, be prepared to dig into your pockets once again. Remember, missing the deadline means another week of deliciousness (and charges) coming your way.

So, there you have it – easy cancellation process and a strict cut-off date and time to keep in mind. But don’t worry, we’ve got you covered. In the next section, we’ll provide you with a step-by-step guide on canceling your Factor Meals subscription. So, buckle up and get ready to bid adieu to those scrumptious meals. Just make sure you’re sitting comfortably, because this journey is about to get exciting!

Step-by-step guide to cancel Factor Meals subscription

So, you’ve had enough of Factor Meals huh? Well, fear not my friend, I’m here to guide you through the treacherous path of canceling your subscription. Brace yourself, it’s not going to be as easy as ordering those delicious meals.

Step 1 – Sign in / Open Settings: First things first, you need to go to the Factor website and sign in to your account. It’s like entering a secret passcode to gain access to the cancellation arena. Once you’re in, navigate your way to the Settings menu. Think of it as a maze, but instead of finding a treasure, you’re trying to get out of a subscription.

Step 2 – Select Plan Settings: You’re getting closer to freedom! Look for the holy grail of cancellation within the Settings page. It should be conveniently located on the left-hand side of the page. Once you’ve unleashed the power of Plan Settings, you’re almost there.

Step 3 – Deactivate My Plan button: Ah, the sweet taste of victory is near. If you’re lucky, you’ll find the Deactivate My Plan button. Click on it and let the cancellation magic begin. However, if you don’t see this option, well…brace yourself for another challenge.

Step 4 – Follow the steps: Now comes the part where you follow the steps to cancel your subscription. It’s like a dance, but instead of graceful movements, you’re just doing what you’re told. Stay strong, my friend, you’re almost there.

Step 5 – Call or email to cancel: Oh no, the dreaded last resort. If the step above didn’t work for you, you’ll have to reach out to a Factor representative. Give them a call at 888-573-5727 or shoot them an email at They’ll guide you through the dark abyss of cancellation.

Phew, you made it! You’ve successfully canceled your Factor Meals subscription (hopefully). Now you can move on to greener pastures (literally). But before you go, let me tell you about some alternatives that you may just like better.

Green Chef: Ah, Green Chef, the champion of variety and deliciousness. They offer a great selection of meals, including plant-based options. Plus, they have an easy cancellation process, so no more maze-like adventures for you.

Eat Clean: If you’re all about eating clean and keeping it simple, then Eat Clean is the way to go. They offer prepared meals that are ready to eat in no time. No more slaving away in the kitchen, just pure convenience.

Tovala: Now, if you’re a fan of futuristic technology, Tovala is the perfect choice for you. They provide smart ovens along with their prepared meals. Just pop them in the oven, and voila, a gourmet meal is ready in minutes.

So there you have it, my friend. You now know how to cancel your Factor Meals subscription in the quirkiest way possible. Remember, life’s too short to stick with something that doesn’t bring you joy (or delicious meals). Happy canceling!

Alternatives to Factor Meals

Looking for alternatives to Factor Meals? Well, you’re in luck! Let me introduce you to some options that might just blow your taste buds away. *Drumroll, please*

1. Green Chef: This fabulous meal delivery service offers a variety of plans tailored to your dietary needs. Whether you’re vegetarian, vegan, keto, or just a lover of delicious food, Green Chef has got you covered. They provide fresh, organic ingredients and easy-to-follow recipes that will make you feel like a gourmet chef in no time. Plus, they offer a wide range of menu options, so you’ll never get bored with your meals. Trust me, Green Chef is the real deal.

2. Eat Clean: As the name suggests, this meal delivery service focuses on providing you with wholesome, nutritious meals. They offer a range of plans to suit different dietary preferences, and their meals are made with fresh, high-quality ingredients. From gluten-free options to low-carb meals, Eat Clean has something for everyone. So, if you’re looking to fuel your body with wholesome goodness, give Eat Clean a try.

3. Tovala: Now, this one is for all the tech lovers out there. Tovala brings together the convenience of pre-made meals and the magic of smart cooking. With their innovative steam oven and chef-crafted meals, you can enjoy restaurant-quality dishes in the comfort of your own home. It’s like having your personal sous chef! So, if you’re all about cutting-edge technology and delicious food, Tovala is the way to go.

Say goodbye to boring and bland meals with these amazing alternatives to Factor Meals. Each of these options brings something unique to the table (pun intended), so go ahead and take your pick. Happy eating!

FAQs about canceling Factor Meals subscription

s it easy to cancel a Factor subscription? Well, that depends on where you live and how convoluted you want your cancellation process to be. Factor offers an oh-so-convenient touch-of-a-button cancellation option, but only if it’s legally required in your area. So, if you’re lucky, you can simply log into your account, navigate to the settings menu, select plan settings, find the magical “Deactivate My Plan” button, click it, and voila! Your subscription is canceled, and you are free from the clutches of Factor.

But hey, life isn’t always that easy, right? If the touch-of-a-button option isn’t available to you, brace yourself for the hassle of calling or emailing Factor’s customer service representatives. Yes, you read that right. You’ll have to make actual human contact.

Oh, and here’s a pro tip: pay attention to the weekly cutoff date and time! If you miss this deadline, you’ll end up receiving (and being charged for) another week of meals that you may not even want. So, mark it in your calendar, set a reminder, or hire a skywriter—it’s up to you. Just make sure you cancel before that dreaded cutoff time.

Now, let’s move on to the juicy part—alternatives to Factor Meals. If you’re looking for something different and dare I say, better, then keep on reading. But don’t worry, I won’t make you go through the hassle of canceling another subscription. I promise.


So you’ve had enough of Factor Meals and you want out. I get it, sometimes those pre-made meals just don’t satisfy your taste buds. But fret not, my friend, because I’m here to guide you through the process of cancelling your Factor Meals subscription. And hey, I’ll even throw in a few alternatives that you might like better.


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